

Would you like to support one of the coolest research projects in contemporary high-energy physics?

The kind of research that I am doing is not the kind of research that is being supported in the present academic system. Theoretical physics today is dominated by a very small number of ideas with very little room for alternative, independent ideas to be developed. Research grants are, broadly speaking, handed out to those with highest citation and publication counts, but to get a high number of citations you need to work close to mainstream — I have written about this on my blog — and thus a consequence is that the research communities tend to cluster in large tribes, where people talk to and cite each other and ignore outsiders. To be specific: the string theory community has completely dominated theoretical high energy physics for the past several decades and left very little oxygen for other ideas to be developed.

A small research team like mine, that has wandered off far away from mainstream research in a completely new direction simply has no future in this system. We get few citations and that means that our research is not attracting financial support. The fact that we publish in world leading journals in mathematical physics does not matter.

This means that I have been forced to find funding elsewhere. Today I rely on private sponsors and donors and I am currently seeking more sponsors in order to secure a reasonable financial foundation for the continuation of my work. 

Everything counts — you can support me through either Ko-Fi, Buymeacoffee, or via PayPal or you can contact me. For amounts larger than 2000 US$ I will acknowledge you in the acknowledgement section in our next papers; for amounts larger than 10.000 US$ I will acknowledge you on the front page of our next papers. All donors will be acknowledged on my homepage.

I am also looking for more permanent sponsors: a fixed monthly payment  in exchange for official recognition wherever I am present (papers, homepage, interviews, etc.). 

Smaller monthly payments (for instance 10-50 US$) are also very welcome; you can set up a regular payment on PayPal

I would like to encourage you to pass this on to others, whom you think might be interested in sponsoring one of the boldest and most innovative research projects in contemporary theoretical physics.

Thank you!
