Newsletter No. 11

13.09.2023 Hi everyone, it’s finally time for a newsletter. I spent the last two weeks in Hannover, Germany, working with Johannes, and today we posted a new paper on the archive. We have made some significant progress and in this newsletter I would like to explain in a non-technical manner what we have found.  Our…Read more Newsletter No. 11

Newsletter No. 10

05.04.2021 Hi everyone, it’s time for a newsletter. A few things have happened since my last newsletter, both concerning my work with Johannes Aastrup and concerning other things. In the following I will try to cover it all.  Also, I am going to write something about our research from a birds eye perspective: the broad…Read more Newsletter No. 10

The Metric Nature of Matter

In a recent series of papers [1-3], we have discovered a connection between non-perturbative quantum field theory and the (noncommutative) geometry of configuration spaces. In this post, which has also been published on the noncommutative geometry blog, we would like to outline our findings in a non-technical manner intended for readers, who are familiar with…Read more The Metric Nature of Matter

Quantum or classical: which is primary?

In the following I would like to discuss this question: when we search for a fundamental theory, what relationship should there be between the quantum and the classical? Or put differently: which one is primary, the classical or the quantum? The operational arrows of quantum vs. classical Let me try to explain these questions by…Read more Quantum or classical: which is primary?