Newsletter No. 11

13.09.2023 Hi everyone, it’s finally time for a newsletter. I spent the last two weeks in Hannover, Germany, working with Johannes, and today we posted a new paper on the archive. We have made some significant progress and in this newsletter I would like to explain in a non-technical manner what we have found.  Our…Read more Newsletter No. 11

Newsletter No. 10

05.04.2021 Hi everyone, it’s time for a newsletter. A few things have happened since my last newsletter, both concerning my work with Johannes Aastrup and concerning other things. In the following I will try to cover it all.  Also, I am going to write something about our research from a birds eye perspective: the broad…Read more Newsletter No. 10

Newsletter No. 6

Newsletter  - for the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign A THEORY OF EVERYTHING 18.05.2019 Hi everyone! Its time for a newsletter. Since I wrote the last newsletter a few interesting things have happened. First of all, my book is scheduled to be published in Denmark this spring — I’ll write more about this in the following —…Read more Newsletter No. 6